Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys Suitable for Light and Heavy Duty Conveyors
16th April 2019

Rulmeca has launched its renewed TM400 motorized pulley generation. Thanks to optimized components, the new 400 mm motorized pulleys are significantly more energy-efficient and service-friendly while offering even greater robustness and therefore plant uptime, according to the company. Designed for the transport of bulk materials, the new motorized pulleys suit applications across many sectors – from light-duty belt conveyor systems in recycling, such as conveyors passing under magnetic separators; to medium-duty conveyor belts for mobile and stationary crushers, screeners and conveyors in the asphalt, cement and concrete industries as well as salt, sand and gravel works; to bulk material conveyors for the transport of grain and fertilizers.
The energy efficiency of the new TM400 motorized pulley generation, rated at 2.2 to 15.0 kW, has been increased by an average of 4.5% under peak loads thanks to more efficient electric motors with higher performance. Depending on the operating conditions, the resulting energy savings range from an impressive 12% to as little as 1%. When using the 15.0 kW class and working in two shifts with 90% utilization of nominal power, the average operating cost savings add up to EUR 467 per year, based on a comparatively cheap kilowatt-hour (kWh) rate of EUR 0.20. The eco footprint also improves substantially as CO2 output is reduced by 1.2 tons when using a conventional power mix.
In order to make the already highly reliable continuous operation of the bulk material handling systems even more fail-safe, the housing for the transmission components was optimized again, which increased the already high mean time between failure (MTBF) of the new Rulmeca TM400 motorized pulleys even further.
Thanks to greater component standardization, the new Rulmeca TM400 motorized pulleys have also become more service-friendly. Local service providers can now replace defective motor windings themselves, which minimizes downtime while making the global service network even more powerful and responsive. Rulmeca provides the required technical documentation and repair manuals upon request.